



20 June 2024 | Seminar Series

Farmers on the Move: Complex Trajectories and Implications for Philippine Agrarian Life

The Philippines is widely known for its long history of labor migration, largely defined by people’s movement towards non-agrarian work opportunities in the global market. However, Filipino labor has a rich history of sustaining farms in rural settings overseas, with the settlement of Filipino indentured and contract laborers in North America as a prime example.

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6 April 2024 | Seminar Series

Author Talk: Annemarie Mol, Eating in Theory

We are pleased to inform you of an Author Talk by Annemarie Mol on April 6. The Japanese translation of her latest book, Eating in Theory, will be published soon; for this occasion, Prof. Mol will give a talk in Hiroshima.

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10 March 2024 | Seminar Series

Contrary science in a post-colonial institute: The Tanzanian toxicologist Vera Ngowi and the Tropical Pesticide Research Institute in Arusha

Professors Paul Wenzel Geissler and Ruth Prince, University of Oslo, explore the intertwined biographies of a Tanzanian toxicologist and pesticide expert, Dr Vera Ngowi, and the Tanzanian Pesticide Research Institute, TPRI, a formerly world-leading laboratory, located in Arusha, Tanzania.

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1 May 2023 | Reading Group

Feminist Anthropology Reading Group 1st Meeting

Let’s start the feminist anthropology reading group we’ve been saying we should do someday. Despite the frequent citations of Strathern, Haraway, and Mol in the writings of Japanese cultural anthropologists who embrace ontological turn, multispecies theory, and STS, the context of feminist theory at the core of their concerns has been almost entirely overlooked.

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27 April 2023 | Webinar

What kind of migration governance for a post-pandemic world?

We are pleased to announce that the webinar, jointly organized by Scalabrini Migration Center of the Philippines and The Anthropological Institute of Hiroshima (TAIHI) ,  will be held from 10 am (JST) to 11:30 am on 27th April, 2023. Our invited speaker, Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou, Toronto Metropolitan University, will deliver a special lecture addressing the broad question, “What migration governance in a post-pandemic world?”

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22 April 2023 | Seminar Series

Shiho Satsuka Lecture on Matsutake Worlds  

The Anthropological Institute of Hiroshima (TAIHI) is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Shiho Satsuka on Matsutake Worlds. Having a monograph, Nature in Translation (Duke University Press, 2015), and being a member of Matsutake Worlds Research Group organized by Anna Tsing, Satsuka has engaged with the multi-sited fieldwork centering on Japan, where Matsutake production slumped due to the devastation of satoyama. In the lecture, Satsuka will talk about the plan of her new monograph, The Charisma of Mushrooms: Undoing the Long Twentieth Century.

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18 March 2023 | Seminar Series

Anthropology of Migration and Politics of Care (5th TAIHI Seminar)

The Anthropological Institute of Hiroshima (TAIHI) is pleased to announce lectures by Dr. Roberto Beneduce and Dr. Simona Taliani on March 18, 2023. Dr. Beneduce is an Italian anthropologist and psychiatrist whose research focuses on traumatic memories in immigrants and asylum seekers from Africa. Dr. Taliani is a medical and psychological anthropologists whose concern is the problems of motherhood of immigrant women in Italy.

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6 March 2023 | Seminar Series

Minorities in Postcolonial State and International Law

We are pleased to announce that the seminar jointly organized with International Peace and Coexistence Seminar, will be held from 4 pm (JST) to 6:00 pm on March 6, 2023. Our invited speaker, Prof. Mohammad Shahabuddin, University of Birmingham, will discuss content from his book entitled “Minorities and the Making of Postcolonial States in International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Series Number 154)”.

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20 February 2023 | Seminar Series

Embodied Value Theory

The Anthropological Institute of Hiroshima (TAIHI) is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Stefan Ecks on embodied value theory, the novel anthropological theory that explains how living entities value life by way of biocommensuration. The lecture will take place at Hiroshima University at 4:00 p.m. JST on February 20, 2023. You are invited to take part either at the venue or online.

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4 December 2022 | Symposium

The Nuclear Energy Machine and Tiny Voices: A Dialogue Between Cultural Anthropologists and a Poet

The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology holds a public symposium every year to introduce anthropological ideas to a wide audience. This year’s symposium will focus on the issue of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. It is not only human beings who were exposed to the atomic bombings, nor are Hiroshima and Nagasaki alone. While rethinking the atomic bombing in the context of the global “nuclear machine,” we will explore the meaning of listening to and expressing the “tiny voices” of humans, animals, and plants that leak out from the bomb through a dialogue between poetic and anthropological imagination, with poet Arthur Binard as our guest speaker.

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29 November 2022 | Seminar Series

Making and Remaking Urban Ecologies across Manila's Edge

As always in the process of making, cities are where diverse peoples, objects, natures and relations are assembled in building and maintaining particular socioecological arrangements across space. In the book Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila’s Resource Frontier, I tell one such urban socioecological story within and beyond the boundaries of cities as they expand their edges. By enrolling resources from elsewhere, this process reconstitutes both urban and rural spaces, ecologies and lives. […]

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