Making and Remaking Urban Ecologies across Manila’s Edge

ゲストスピーカー:Kristian Karlo Saguin (Department of Geography, University of the Philippines Diliman)
日時:      11月29日16:30〜18:30
場所:      広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科小会議室
司会:      関 恒樹
コメンテーター: 吉田 真理子

Guest Speaker: Kristian Karlo Saguin (Department of Geography, University of the Philippines Diliman)
Time: November 29, 16:30-18:30
Place: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Small Conference Room
Moderated by Koki Seki
Commentator: Mariko Yoshida

Kristian Karlo Saguin, Urban Ecologies on the Edge. University of California Press, 2022
Kristian Karlo Saguin




As always in the process of making, cities are where diverse peoples, objects, natures and relations are assembled in building and maintaining particular socioecological arrangements across space. In the book Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila’s Resource Frontier, I tell one such urban socioecological story within and beyond the boundaries of cities as they expand their edges. By enrolling resources from elsewhere, this process reconstitutes both urban and rural spaces, ecologies and lives. This presentation draws from the book’s broader narrative of urbanization as frontier-making to examine questions of urban provisioning using the case of Metro Manila, an agglomeration often characterized as dense, precarious and rapidly transforming, and its convenient resource frontier, Laguna Lake. Guided by an urban metabolism lens as understood in urban political ecology and cognate fields, I track two particular resource flows with particular resonance for Manila’s twentieth century urban environmental trajectory – fish and floodwaters. Such an approach to urban environmental change makes visible the constellation of actors, practices, desires and materialities brought together to deliver vital resource flows for the city. In doing so, I aim to examine the political ecological implications of such assemblages of flows, landscapes and infrastructure on sustaining life in the city and on imaginaries of possible urban futures. Urbanization produces particular ecologies in cities, their edges and beyond that often unfold in paradoxical ways.


Kristian Karlo Saguin is an associate professor of geography at the University of the Philippines Diliman, whose work cuts across urban, agrarian and environmental studies. He has published political ecological research that examined livelihoods, resource governance and everyday urban politics amid environmental change at the peri-urban interface in the Philippines in various geography, urban studies and other interdisciplinary journals. His book, Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila’s Resource Frontier, was recently published by the University of California Press in 2022.