Farmers on the Move: Complex Trajectories and Implications for Philippine Agrarian Life

Thursday, June 20, 2024
1620-1740 hours

Room J205, School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, and online.

Marvin Joseph F. Montefrio
Associate Professor of Social Science, Yale-NUS College

The Philippines is widely known for its long history of labor migration, largely defined by people’s movement towards non-agrarian work opportunities in the global market. However, Filipino labor has a rich history of sustaining farms in rural settings overseas, with the settlement of Filipino indentured and contract laborers in North America as a prime example. In this presentation, Dr. Montefrio traces how migrant farmers’ mobilities have become even more complex, as Filipino workers pursue opportunities in farms across the world, including places like Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, and New Zealand. From an agrarian studies standpoint, these forms of mobility may have variegated implications on Philippine agrarian life beyond the narratives of de-agrarianization and de-peasantization. Dr. Montefrio’s talk will unravel the complex links between international migration and agrarian change in the Philippine archipelago by drawing from his own ethnographic research in the Philippines and ethnographies published by other scholars.

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